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Transfer of technology and humanitarian activities
ПРОЦЕСС ПЕРЕДАЧИ cовременных инновационных технологий строительства СИСТЕМА ДЦ90, Российская Федерация
Research, Consulting, Engineering and Technology Transfer, Know how
Structure Protection Systems
SYSTEM DC 90 Ltd specializes in developing, manufacturing and testing seismic protection and damping equipment.
The company was founded by Zoran Petraskovic who began his career in Institute for Material Testing IMS. Since the 2000 Zoran Petraskovic has invented and developed a number of seismic protection devices, including Metal hysteresis devices now used throughout the world.
The patented technology SYSTEM DC 90 is a result of long experience and work on innovations. It is a construction system for strengthening erected buildings or object under construction. The principal goal of such kind of strengthening is to preserve the objects from earthquake tremors, but the technology is widely adopted in other spheres. Both domestic and international prizes were awarded to the patent many times. Brussels’ EUREKA ′97 is one of the awards.
SYSTEM DC90 technology can be applied both on erected masonry structures and new buildings under construction to protect them from seismic loading.
SYSTEM DC90 technology is used both on erected skeleton structures and framework structures under construction to protect them from seismic loading.
SYSTEM DC90 technology is used to construct additional storey on the erected objects.
Besides the building construction the technology is used for strengthening and rehabilitation of the bridge constructions to secure seismic protection, wind&vibration stability .
SYSTEM DC90 technology is used to resolve the problems of multistory buildings, bridges and power cables.
SYSTEM DC90 Company urges to become a leading innovation and seismic engineering organization in the region. We are planning to realize our mission by force of distribution of the researching and innovation activities combined with the patent placement in agent network. The progressive development depends on production potential and demands for the product. The innovations in spheres of seismic protection, construction technology and technology transfer made by means of designing and engineering.
SYSTEM DC 90 Patents are applied on four continents (Europe, America, Africa and Asia).
The mission of the SYSTEM DC 90 leaders is to expand the technology to the new markets.

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